The Cancer Diary: Chapter Fourteen – Transition
July 9, 2013The Cancer Diary: Afterthought 1
July 17, 2013The Cancer Diary: The End
I am sorry to have to report that my husband, Maxwell Krawez, passed away on June 8, 2013 at 10:30 A.M. It sounds so trite to say, “after a long battle with cancer,” but it’s true. Max was a valiant and determined warrior against this terrible, brutal and unconscionable affliction. I would like to report more now and analyze what worked and what hurt, but I’m too despondent at the moment to go on. I will write more later when I have the ability to take a look back over the course of his disease. In the meantime, here’s a copy of my poem Topic of Cancer, which I originally wrote for Max in 2009.
Topic of Cancer
You spread your alien seed
Parasitic sprawl
Cellular congestion
Into membrane, soft tissue, muscularis
Gnarled tendrils stretch toward lymph nodes
Hitchhike a ride for far-flung organs
To populate new territory
Gorge on liver and spleen
With the stealth of a determined insurgent
You steal upon unsuspecting systems
Consume skin, connective tissue, blood vessels, bone.
Until little is left to feast upon
But I refuse to let you feed on flesh without a fight
I zap you with current
Douse with poison
Excise with knives
Repel with optimism
And plan for a future without you.
Grasp daylight between frightened fingers
Insulate myself with tender dreams and renegade visions
Even as you send paralyzing probes deep within
I defend with well-prepared potions
Change biology through chemistry
Antioxidants, fiber, meditation, spirituality
Believe that magic and miracles mixed with the
correct measure of aminos
Can reverse the continental drift
Away from tantalizing tissue, succulent cells
All the while aware
I invited you in the first place
I’m being a terrible host
But you, like most guests, have overstayed your welcome
And must be taken by the tentacle and shown the specimen bag